Monday, 6 June 2011

Nutini Tour Day 2: Panic at the Disco

First thing I remember from day two of tour is this taxi driver. Nice guy, had a bit of a thing about his Ford Focus though...I think it was love really. Every other sentence was focused on the Focus. Matt and I didn't really know what to make of him. Anyway, we were running late so had to get a taxi from the station.

Got to York Barbican and went to dressing room then straight to catering. Sea bass. Lovely. Paolo and band were in there. Finally said hello...sheepishly.

Then a mate of mine, who works for the Barbican, texts me and asks 'What's Matt's shoe size?' I text back saying '11?' I call her and she asks me to come and meet her in the hall. It turns out York Barbican used to be a roller disco. So we are now the proud owners of vintage pairs of roller skates, mine are size 5. Matt has a 10 and an 11. That's retro for you.

Didn't get too many pics from York I'm afraid but here's one from backstage whilst Paolo's band sound checked. Can't see much I know.

Matt did some roller skating and rock climbing though, on the rock climbing wall?!!? Gig was great, kind of reminded me of an old style disco...guess that's cause it's what it used to be.

Anyway, after the show we got a chance to have a bit of a chill out with the band backstage, they are all very cool...always nice. The night before a lady had given me a letter marked 'Mr Nutini' I said I couldn't vouch for it's contents, but he took a look anyway. luckily is was a wristband and a very nice letter...not anthrax...phew.

After that, we got on the tour bus, crowd outside were very complimentary. One guy said he loved me. I was embarrassed. Had a good chat with Donny (Paolo guitarist) on the way for drinks at their hotel. Turns out the band have somehow been given the unofficial name of 'The Vipers' Addressed to which were a couple of letters of thanks and congratulations on the bus. Which I thought was very sweet of people.

Unfortunately I had a lot to drink backstage, on the bus, at the hotel...
Matt, who remained pretty sober said that some of the things I did were very funny, but not too embarrassing...phew. I think I spilt something on the bus and swore a bit too much but other than that I think I was alright. Anyway, I took a lot of pictures that I only half remember taking. Here's some of York. I'll tell you all about Sunderland later...

I believe I walked the whole way back to my mates house with my roller skates around my neck.

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